1st Annual StanceWorks Northeast Meet

There was literally room for like 3000 cars in that lot… I don’t understand the issue. Whatever though, we still had a lot of fun.

lance i will say it again i hope you keep that car.

Dave…honestly his car makes me want to start on my mk3 supra.

ollie your m3 is sick …give rick a call he will make that paint look amazing.

Honda owner…dude i apologize i don’t rem your name but again happy bday.

Kramer…you def impressed me in putting this meet together. i forsee a brite future for you.

Thankyou again guys for letting me roll with.

hopefully my car wont be such a pile for the next meet. i didn’t want to make the drive down in a 4x4 rx7…so i just drank beer instead.

Soooo happy I didnt go. That parking lot looks like a fucking nightmare.

Come on guys a stance meet in a gravel parking lot? Seriously?

lol agreed benz thats the only thing that killed me. the parking lot we met at had a fun dip to. <cough kramer sucks cough> Honestly it wasn’t bad as long as u didn’t drive like an idiot in the lot.

The guy who looked at the lot ahead of time was the same guy who thought he had a permit and didn’t, so no comment there :lol

Thought you were planning it you liar

I did the initial organizing and gathering of people on SW, but my issues with the car put this on the back burner and look what happened :lol

It was still a moderate success, it was the biggest and best gathering of VIP, jap and german “stance car scene people” in the Northeast this year (excluding Waterfest and any other huge shows) and people are already excited for another one so it served its purpose just fine. There is going to be another one on August 15th (later in the afternoon so people (like me) can go to Honda Day at ETown) and 2011 is going to be AWESOME.

Thats cause stance is boring

pretty fast car>>>ugly fast car>pretty slow car>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ugly slow car

Beer ball is much better

why are they having another one in 2 weeks, y not wait a month or two…

Again, not my decision. Personally, I would say wait until next year and make it HUGE (which I/we will do anyways), but whatever. Too much a good thing is not good.

YES, my new fave game.

plus juan

oh goddamnit i wish i could go

audi jay my name is b-ri. this meet coulda been sick. idk why that state park gives a fuck we were literaly doing nothing cept the ra-tards throwing rock at that can aha…

I thought they were gonna start talking about yagerbombs …“not now chief i am in the zone!”