1st Official OT meet- Sunday June 5th

This meet will be held in the K/W area which is about 45min west of Sauga
I hope that members from other regions can come to our meet, since we are a smaller group here.

This meet will include:

Going out for food and cruise, I’m also open for any suggestions.

I’ll post more info up by the end of the week. Just remember to keep this day open, and come down to the KW area for some good times.

Meet starts @ 4pm @ Sportsworld, we can chill out for a bit then grab some food around 5:30-6ish
we can leave for the cruise at approx 7:30/8sih depending when we finish eating,
I have a map for a super cruise, it’s a pretty sweet cruise i just tested it out yesterday and its about 1hr- 1.5hrs…but its all outside of the city, some twisties and hills and straights… only 2 lights and maybe 4 stop signs…so its not too bad. I’ll have the cruise route totally figured out by next week. I’ll keep on adding more info to the top page as the date gets closer I’ll post a map to sportsworld next week too

MAP and Directions


Take Hwy 401 West towards Kitchener. Exit Highway 8 West, Kitchener, Take the first exit, Sportsworld Drive, Turn right on to Sportsworld Drive and SPORTSWORLD is on the immediate right.

Take Hwy 401 East towards Kitchener, Exit at 278B. At the 2nd set of lights turn right onto Sportsworld Drive


Northwest on QEW to Ontario route 403, Southwest on Route 403 to Provincial Highway 6, then northwest on Provincial Highway 6 to Highway 401, southwest on the 401 to the Kitchener exit. Follow the signs

From Hwy 7 (Victoria Street) turn left into Breslau, Ontario follow this road until it meets Maple Grove Road, turn right onto Maple Grove Road and this road turns into Sportsworld Drive


From Hwy 85 (Formerly HWY 86) North and South follow directional signs for Highway 8 to the 401 and exit at Sportsworld Drive

Take the QEW Eastbound and follow directions to Highway 6 North. Highway 6 intersects with Hwy 401. Take Hwy 401 West towards Kitchener, exit Highway 8 North Kitchener, Take the first exit, Sportsworld Drive and turn right and Sportsworld is on the right hand side.

WE will meet at the far end by the bus stop and Outback steak house resturant

*if you need further directions please feel free to PM me
Also pm me and i’ll give u my number if you have any problems.

add your name to the list so I have a general idea of who is intrested in coming down.
Make sure to add your name so I have a rough idea for reservations and such.

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)


  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head) + guest


  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson

That’s the same weekend as Greg’s “meet at my house” meet.

Oh, fiddlesticks.

Well I guess I’m probably still in anyways.

Where will everyone be meeting? At sportsworld again?

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson
  4. s14_2Nv

Gregs meet is on the 11th

Im not to familar with the K/W area so Im just wondering what we would be doing?

Any chance for some fun? :wink:

My car will be back to looking normal again as well, I should be boosted by then too so I want a chance to show off. :lol:

If possible though, can you have this on a Saturday instead of another Sunday? It’s tough for people like me who need babysitting and get up early for work on Monday.

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson
  4. s14_2Nv
  5. GT_GREG

and yes my meet is the next weekend


sorry i can’t change it to saturday, we are having a charity car wash so i’ll be tied up with that.

Ok no problem. I’ll have to see as the date gets closer.

Thanks girl. :wink:

you guys are WAYYYYyyyyyy to excited about summer, i mean its not even here and youre already planning our second big meet ?? come on save them for summer time. (meaning when my car is done ) :smiley:

hahahh why not!

I’m most defently down, depending on unexpected occurances.

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson
  4. s14_2Nv
  5. GT_GREG
  6. Average player

Count me in…

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson
  4. s14_2Nv
  5. GT_GREG
  6. Average player
  7. Matt-chu

i’m going aslong as i have 1 eastender going with me so i dont have a lonely trip there and back

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson
  4. s14_2Nv
  5. GT_GREG
  6. Average player
  7. Matt-chu
  8. Jon (blu2fourty)

I’ll be there!!

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson
  4. s14_2Nv
  5. GT_GREG
  6. Average player
  7. Matt-chu
  8. Jon (blu2fourty)
  9. Theo

does this mean your going to be washing cars with a bunch of other girls on a nice hot and sunny day?

can i come to that instead? :D/

yeah u can come…its for a good cause :wink:

but i’ll warn ya, there will be guys there too :wink:

  1. Mercedeh (240sxy)
  2. Adam (Head)
  3. Benson
  4. s14_2Nv
  5. GT_GREG
  6. Average player
  7. Matt-chu
  8. Jon (blu2fourty)
  9. Theo
  10. Kevin grey & black

I’m going to try my best to ride shot-gun with someone… I doubt my car will be ready by then anyways…

Anyone other then toronto240sx down for the cause of dropping a stock engine and reinstalling a stock one for beer, food & smokes? msg me so I can make these events!