
thought i’d be cool like sasha and make a post.

i lovet you all especilly eric…i wasn;t to sure about moving to toronto but it eems to be getting better by the day.

always remeber, YOU AINT COOL UNLES YOU DRUNK IN PUBLIC…or smack your elbow off a moing subway! damn my elbow hurst!

3;56 am, god damn i haev to work at 11

sharkys last nite open. lotsa pusssssssssssssssssssssy. :twisted:

and ys we all want to b cool liej sasha.

mattty whatd u do tonite.

i love satrdays, stella and women because im, a womenizerrrr
ohhhhhhh i like turbos too.

4.26 am… … eat cookies please

update…i seriously think i broke my elbow…it hurts like hell and is swollen as shit…oh man that was a fun night

at 2am Alanso qualified P1 and his team mate P2.
Race is going to be sweet!


im pretty sure this post is more stupid than the posts that say

y0 i gat a 1984 420 sxz and i want a es are twozero det how do i do dat?

atleast sashas post is entertaining to read, and its sasha so its like omgomgokmg bbbq BUDDY CLUB STAGE 4s ACTIVATED BBAAAAAAAAAA BABABABA ABAAAAA

hahaha, yeah this should get deleted and locked, it seemed funny at the time


i’m proud of you guys

eric as in thedecline? hes always a good time when hes wised up

yeah, he’s a lil hungover today. just not a seasoned drinker. lol good times had by all.

Always remember, you aint cool, unless you drunk in public.

It’s 1:36pm and thought I’d lock this thread.