last niagara meet this year

WAS wicked, i couldnt drive my car sucks

bing crashed, he hit a sign, understeered hahahah @bing haha

chris’s turbo came off

theo drove cool roads

jason drove slow

then we went and got wasted and jason and theo picked up a fat 27yearold chick
hahah @ them


She told me later that she was 25

Lyin’ Bitch, I like cougars!!

she was all out disgusting… NO PROPS TO YOU…

btw, i own this city and all the signs in it.

No… Ah, no really, she was hot.

Yeah! she was hot gosh darnit!

Man, I still can’t believe how you drove through that ditch, the last one I drove through ended with me on my roof. Somebody on the QEW called the cops when they saw my headlights pointing at the sky.

That was a awsome night, Ya your right Jesse I didnt drive as fast as you guys (god damn automagic). Stock everything really dose suck John saw when I pushed my car to hard I got very sideways and almost lost it. Bing that one road was nuts, the one that was like one lane. I sure know I had fun.

YOU GUYS SUCK!!! I knew i’d get left behind! DAMMIT you guys hit on a fat cougar and i missed it!!! lol hilarious!

Sounded like fun…

Good thing I’ve got the escarpment in my backyard too! :smiley:
Blew 1/4 tank of gas in my silvia this afternoon, so much more fun to drive than my beast.

theo whats ur msn were going drifting

It’s been so long since I used my msn I’ll have to check that out.

I’ll PM you my number for next time (i’m assuming you went today, I was at the Bell Cdn Open), I want to go, big time!!! I don’t want to beat on her too much the clutch is on its way out (I’ve got a Centreforce II on the way), and I need a pair of five hole rims.

I’m pissed that I missed out. It would have been another blast.

PM Sent.

Ya it was jokes tonight, Sorry Jesse again for running over your foot lol.