what can i say? Mother nature likes anal…


the meet was great.

There was that one incident with Newman’s car getting bumped from behind. Lucky for us Newman is as awesome as human beings get and he actually felt real bad for the kid that bumped him.

fyi, the accident appears to be due to inexperience and not douche-baggery. I heard that of you guys were sliding that intersection even though we asked you not to and i expected the worst…

The police got us a couple times but it was cool… because we were being civil at the time all they did was yell at us. let that be a lesson to everyone… chill the hell out.

another niagara meet this year?

i am going to try.

i will only do it if the following things happen:

  • Dan comes with his dyno… i have a dream, and that dream is that we wind cars out on the dyno right on the front of lake st.
  • We need more people to eat at the restaurant. I realise that not everyone likes the food or the price but in the end if not enough people eat at the buffet we just wont be able to do it. I’d like to see another 20 - 25 people eat here. i tried to make it more worth while with the raffle, we’ll try to do that again next time.
  • NO SLIDING - everyone needs to realise that you are in the company of some of the most talented young drivers in the province. S1DC guys are always at the meet and always on the podium… do you really think that the poeple around you are impressed by sliding an intersection? That stuff was cool 4-5 years ago in 2003 maybe… it isnt cool now and it isnt cool when you are around alot of other people who care about their cars. Even Theo didnt go bonkers… do you realise how incredible that is? Do you think a dude like Sasha Anis, thinks you’re cool when you slide a corner on the street during a cruise? NO!
  • More vendor participation. this is not a marketing event… i was more than happy to see Intense show their gear here and i was happy to have their parts displayed with mine. SON240sx is not a competitive business environment. I dont sell megan parts because varun does and you wont see me, phil, varun, intense etc. trying to undercut each other… i would like to see more shops showing off their wares. this is a community event for everyone to show off how awesome they are at what they do.i’ll have more feedback from the restaurant tomorrow.

feel free to post your pics and comments here… i will keep this section open for a bit

Pics Now


i think we should all show some respect for the guys who came all the way from Ottawa and spent the weekend here. Their presence was much appreciated.

All the kingston boys and everyone else who came in from 3+ hours deserves a tip of the hat for showing up, participating and setting a positive example their commitment to our community.

thanks to all you guys that fit this category

ur welcoem

lol…the guys from ottawa and kingston are dedicated…they left at 10pm to make a ~5 hour trip home…thanks for coming out guys and showing love for son240sx


I just posted up 100+ pics , but they were removed for me not editing plates…
im way to lazy to do that right now

being the only 350z there (again), i must say this year was a lot more fun for me than last year (not that last year was bad, i just enjoyed myself more this year if that makes sense). didn’t really meet anyone since i hung with the kingston crew/intense guys, but thanks bing for organizing another successful event :slight_smile:

even with what happened (accident, minor heat-baggery), i’m always amazed at how well behaved 99% of the people are at these huge cruises. sure, there was some unwanted behaviour (and i must admit, i gave my z a little in a few parts) generally everyone was well respectful towards each other, and that’s what makes these events fun to goto.

anyways, thanks again for a great day :slight_smile: oh, and in case anyone was wondering, i was the one with the black stock looking z on the end of the first row :wink:

Saw some amazing cars, ate some good food and had a great cruise. Big thanks to Bing and Co., looking forward to the next meet.

Yeah, wow, Bing you really came through. The hard work shows and is appreciated by all.

I didn’t know the cruise would be so scenic, it made my night! :slight_smile: What a good time the whole event was.

P.S. Can’t wait to get that lip on…thanks again for the special deal!

Bing Please have another i feel like a ass for missing this one but i had too, John lee came to work and made me sushi.

Fantastic job on the organization Bing and thanks for taking one for the team on the mother nature raping.

Thanks to the ladies and the awesome blondes hanging out of the sunroof during the cruise for the eye candy and Bing’s cadbury friend for the actual candy.

I wasn’t going to go because my car is in a pile on my driveway, but I’m glad I hopped in walter’s car at the last minute.

Bings meet was fucking sick =) no Bing, you have to have another meet =) and soon? =P

Finally popped my cherry!!
First time out to the Niagra meet.
Great host, great food, awsome time!
Give it up to Bing!

Thanks for hosting the event Bing, must have taken a while to organize everything like that.

I am sure I can speak for all the Ottawa people when I say that we had a great time.

Thanks Again!

(This is Shervin btw :p)

awsome time.
met alot of new cool people and had a really good time
cruise was awsome besides the one incident…

where are all the pics?
i know i got a bunch but i havnt uploaded them yet

Werd yo. The drive home was awesome…not. We were still on the QEW at 11:30 and that was the last time I looked at the clock in the Niagara region…

Pulled into the garage and turned the car off at 445am…went right to sleep. I kept thinkin how nice it woulda been to live in the region, but the drive up was quite enjoyable.

Nice to see some of the people I had met last yet and if gas wasnt soooo freakin expensive, Id consider another run up!

From Ottawa with Love, GO SENS GO :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


I was hoping we could gather a convoy home to prevent the dreaded speed limit for the time being but its alright made it home in 1:15 to Bolton…google maps said it should take 1:47…haha :smiley:

I wasnt there personally but I am glad to hear people from Ottawa are joining in on the fun, glad you got home safe and enjoyed your stay.

I liked everything you said, but why did you go and ruin it with the GO SENS GO?? weak just dissapointing lol


Well you all should be thankful you weren’t the lead car that got the verbal raping from the Niagara Parks Police. He blocked us in and I was just going to go around him but apparently they have guns. Then he started going off on Bing cause he though he had a steering wheel in front of him ;-p

He was going to book us all! He called in backup and then…

HE PULLED THE STREET RACING CARD! I was like oh no u d’int. Apparently people called in and said we were street racing. So your fears are confirmed.

So thank Bing’s super fantastic golden tongue.