2/2 drift?

bored, really wanna go beat on the car.

meh, stopped off across from “Tom’s”, got in 30 minutes or so on the way home today. Just enough for the tranny to get mad.

mighty 10pm?

make out session?

party at 10, i was hoping to go soo ner than that.

dont tell 87fox and its a date. to many people out and slow drivers 10pm where i wanna go is extremly secluded

anyone wanna go now?

didnt i just read a thread you posted about having 10 points on your license? :lol:

yea lol i wanna see him get the eleventh though

made it up too late :frowning:


just hitup a few lots with 01audis4 and it was fun.

i thought i seen a few cars go into the lot across from bao was that anyone on here?

BAO? Elaborate I’m still a Buffalo NOOB

bubble tea arcoss from toms