2/2 Frizzy's beer wasted omg

Since I am always running into NYSpeed folk there anyways, and since certain drunks :wink: have been asking why I haven’t made a bar meet in a while, here it is. :wiggle:

Come on out to Frizzy’s on Friday night to get your drink on and be dazzled by my amazing display of lack of hand/eye coordination in bubble hockey. :smiley:

I already know of a few that are coming out, but the more the merrier so get out here, bitches! :eekdance:

Let’s have some :beer: and then go for some Jim’s steakout and Jam’s pizza afterwards :tup:



of course you know I’m one of those few that’ll be there getting absolutely annhilated and proceeding to fall on my face shortly after! :tup:

I have to consult my bitches and see if they will go.

in, i havent been to frizzys in ages… for some reason i always stay on the other side of elmwood. except for the pizza.

their long island iced teas destroy

My fiance and her friends love going there for karaoke. :hang:

OH shit, now weve got ourselves a partttyyyy.


Siiiqqqqqqqqqqqq :tup:

I will be there

HAHAHHA Frank Dux>*

Werd… I’ll most likely be there…

I live .6 miles away, I could be down but I’ll be poor as I have my court date this friday

massive cabin party and lots of drunken naked snowmobiling on friday 4 me :(`

For the love of god…

maybe in, maybe not


where is this place?

allen, right off of elmwood.

cmon mike ditch frizzys load your sled on the trailor and come out to this cabin party!

u will get to see all of your girls like rach and kristin!

allen huh… aka not real strict on IDs?