2.24.2006 PARTY Friday

St. Paddy’s Prelude Party - Fundraiser

For: www.catswny.org

Where: Buffalo Irish Center 245 Abbott Road South Buffalo

When: Friday 2/24/2006 7pm to midnight

Food catered by Tom Gang of Ganer’s in OP.
Draft beer (including Guinness), wine, soft drinks included.:beer2: (you must be at least 21 years old)

Kevin McCarthy performing


Cost $25.00

Raffle tickets for prizes also for sale at party.

Why? - It all started with a Christmas party more than ten years ago hosted by a few friends of mine and me. It has evolved into Golf tournaments and now a St.Patricks party. Our golf tournament last year raised over $13,000.00 for CATS.
We like to support the CATS charity because it helps children.
It is really a great reason to get together and help children at the same time.
Let me know if you want to have fun and help kids!:slight_smile:

hmmm, lemme think about this, what is the “cats” charity ?

It has nothing to do with cats.:stuck_out_tongue:
Click on the link to learn more about CATS.:slight_smile:

well i figured that :lol:, i was just wondering what the charity was. but i may be interested, and possibly get a couple of my friends to go as well, ill keep ya posted

Bump for the children.:baby:

Bump for Guinness:beer2:

Well I guess nobody is feeling charitable?:gotme:


is it presale only? also, what time does it start?

Speaking of CAT, can we expect any?

if I had the cash, I’d buy one… but honestly, I’m on the negitive side of my bills.

:tup: to a good cause though… you’ll have fun and help some children out :tup:

You can buy at the door.
It starts at 7pm.

:tup: for Guinness

The $25 also includes a chance to win a 32" TV with a value of $500.
You can also buy tickets for a chance to win 25 other prizes.
So far only aboot 100 people are going so your chances of winning something are pretty good.

:bump: for Mike…if i was employed I would be all over it

Well it looks like no one from here is going.
You are going to miss a good time.:beer2: :smiley:
If you do go, I will be the guy in the orange and black stripe VAIL polo shirt.