Self Inflikted toy-for-tots holiday party

copied from another forum

This is for all who say there is nothing to do during the off season, and should hold ya over until ECBN.

Saturday December 12, 2009. 5 PM till midnight
The White Stone Cafe
2337 State Route 66
Ghent, NY 12075

Admission to the party is a New unwrapped Toy valued at $15 or more.
Food is additional, there is an All you can eat Prime rib buffet at the cost of $25 per person, or you can eat off the menu at your own expense.

There will be raffles, 50/50, DJ, and i almost forgot The Cash Bar. Should be a great time and a way to blow off some of that holiday stress.

Any one interested in contributing anything, raffle prizes and so contact Bill, Phil or myself.

The White Stone will accomidate 180 or so of us so space will be some what limited

Any questions or reservations give us a shout.

Hope to see you all there

im in thats pretty close to me…i know phil and bill so ill just hit them up to let them know im going

depending on whats up, i could be down, love giving donations , might as well make a party out of it…

dancing? girls ? or just eating and leaving?

all you can eat prime rib for 25?
has to be from the boxed frozen food section :lol jk

Might attend. idk what going on yet

were trying to get a DJ, im sure there will be girls idk yet… so itll prolly end up being eating bullshiting winning stuff and leaving

Singh you DJ. OMFG.
bring girls too. !

ya i’ll dj, but i dont have equipment… otherwise im down, i dj’ed before with success…

ya i’ll tell ya i bring girls now and then tell u they all flaked the night of…thats my plan


Tons of girls go to shit like this, easy place to meet wimmenz.

well u need to let me know for a deff. if ur going cuz it can only hold a certain amount of people due to fire restrictions

bump, seats are starting to fill up

What forum is sponsoring this? Just curious.

I’d be down to go there and hit on girls for the evening.

no forum just our club… maybe a slight chance of northeast syndicate sponsoring something i dont kno yet

What exactly are you all infli’k’ted with? I think the tots should be immunized.

What’s the point, you can’t finish anyways


good lookin man, i’ll prolly check this out

yeah thats what im saying, hit me up if your gonna go dude

K’s and Z’s replacing C’s and S’s is so 90’s

Always good to help out the kids though:beer

club has been around since '95 thats y :lmao

thanks everyone for the show of support it is greatly appreciated and thanks to mcflurry for throwing this up on here i posted one then saw yours lol and ya i started the club in the mid 90’s so and havnt seen a need to change the name up so its just stayed the way it was since that time. hope to see everyone there should def be a good time who knows if there is snow could be a drunken snowball fight like the last time we had a winter time party lol.

sounds like a good time man, i’ll keep it in mind and if u other guys remind me, i’ll try to make it there…