Self Inflikted toy-for-tots holiday party

i hope there is snow so i can tackle john in to a snowbank :rofl

Cliff notes?



first post adam! lol

Cliffs, do it

cheap food,beer, bring a toy for kids, have fun, beer, raffle and prolly more

In! :lol

youll forget about it

ahha yeah hes def forgetting about it, i prolly will

but if u text me a day before i’ll figure it out and be there…

lookin for food beer and womenz

The only reason your in, is bc you seen beer in the same sentence twice :lol

prolly but as long as he brings a toy worth at least $15 then he can drink other wise hes got a long ride back home… or a 10 min ride to walmart

ima bring a bunch of toys if i come thru for sure… i havent shopped for toys in so long, should be fun y0!

What if I bring a 30 of Keystone?


BUMP… this saturday whos going!

i could swing out, steve there better be some CP man LOL

If there isnt CP, Ima flip shit

im not promising CP…
