
Not technically a kill, but I passed this super riced out Neon with flames down the side, not even speeding, just cruising along on my way to work. And I guess they took it as I wanted to race. Which… uhhh no.

So either way, we’re at a red light. Ahead of us, the road goes from a 4 lane highway, to 2. Light turns green, we take off, I win. Dude tailgated me for like 7 miles after that. And would roll up reallllllly close to me at other red lights.

I guess a spoiler means I want to race. Hmf. This is going to be interesting…

I just applaud the fact you bought something awd that won’t break.
Read as - Not a vw.

Nice Dawn.

I hope I don’t encounter too many more of these. My car does sort of, stick out. Hahaha.

it wasn’t red and have a body kit did it?

go dawn

no it was blue. and had yellow flames. and made me laugh.

Bright Blue, Body kit, rims, Flames, says mopar on it?
If so, he goes to my school and tried to run the 5.0 on the way home from school.
I didnt even bother.

i don’t know. but if there are two different neons in the area that are bright blue, with flames… HAHAHAHAHAHAH.


Chalk up another loss for a neon


special olympics battle :frowning: