2 defenseman 1 goalie....

aint shit

probably one of the best goals i have seen scored in a while.

yep i agree

i can’t view it at work i’ve been trying all day arghhhhhh! i’m assuming this is the goal by nash last night?

hold on i’ll try to get the .gif from my email

yea its nash’s goal

thank you sir :tup:


that is a sweet goal, the first d-man tried to lay him out and whiffed huge and is probably still looking for his jockstrap on the ice, nice!

wow, that is disgusting. absolutely disgusting. that is a superstar right there…

here it is on espn if anyone is blocked from youtube



that was pretty amazing

somebody show that clip to vanek !!!

thanks again, that made my day haha sick moves

The coach probablt went apeshit on the D. You take the body not the puck…dummies

that was definately sick, great stick handling

wow, owned them all

where is that maxim 360 goal because that was pretty amazing too.

EDIT here it is i found it!

nash is too quick for the D-men to take his body. since they cant hold him either it doesnt help. he’s got too good of hands for them lol