"Most Embarassing Play in NHL History"

Patrick Stefan…WHOOPS


oh jesus lol what an assclown. Open net and he does that

subscribed for later

haha nice one

wow. that really would suck.




So what was the final outcome of that game.

lol nice

Dallas won in OT

but it gave edmonton another point, which really didn’t matter much since edmonton had a 16 game losing streak to end the season lol


thats old, when was it from

ahaha that was awesome, what a dope !


Where was the goalie?

pulled for the extra attacker

I thought it was over when he tripped, and then I realized the other team went to tie right after!

Funny shit




lol that is funny… to his credit the puck hit something on the ice and hopped over his stick.

still fucking retarded though