197 foot shot scores against the Leafs

Paging j_espo



thats Fing great.


friggin leafs.

shit happens


oh man i actually feel bad for toskala on that one

And it was the Islanders only goal, lol.

i couldn’t believe it, I saw it on Break.com the other day. I was a goalie for 11 years and never let in anything like that, it’s a problem of form. he didn’t use the proper form for a bouncing puck… you’re supposed to put your whole body (especially your chest) in front of the puck so when it bounces you have a better chance of getting it if you miss it with your glove and stick.

oops doesn’t cover it on this one.

That happens, a bouncing puck can be a nightmare.
This isn’t the first or last time I’ll see it happen.

Oh hai guise, yes i saw this the other night and i was :picard: but at least that was the only one he let in.

I realize that, but it’s just so much cooler when it happens against the Leafs.




from the opposite goal line!!! i figured when i saw the title it was just gonna be a long open net. What an idiot.

i love the “giggity giggity giggity giggity” over the p.a. system while they are showing the replay.

saw this the other night. good shit lol