PIX: Sabres morning skate and story

kaleta fell by himself it was funny, he was always laughing









me and connoly

ok so heres a story…
im in a low section, about 15 rows up, and im standing on the armrests, as there is no one around at all, i wanted to take pix over the glass …so im keeping my balance takin pix…
and i see peters hit a puck to the glass, cuz there were a bunch of a kids in the first row…and i hear him talkin to them sayin “hey u gotta watch out for those” like jokin around… here are the couple pix of him talkin



then he starts to skate away from the glass, puts a puck to his backside of the stick, and flips a puck back and over the glass… as im takin pix, i see in the corner of my eye, a puck flying right at me…

here is the pic i took right before he flipped it back


anyways its flying right at me, i reach out my left hand instinctively and CATCH the puck with my bare hand, keep in mind i have a camera in my other hand, and im standing on the arm rests… i stood tall and peters looked back and im like, i caught thatttttt, and everyone around me was like daamnnn

it was cool, my hand was a lil red afterwards, lil STING



some good pics. slightly OT, I talked BMW’s with Hecht today…very strong German accent.

nice pics

hahahhaah… didnt not expect that story when u called this morning

haha awesome pics, good story.

my buddy was there trying to get his millee and brune(Sp?) jersey’s signed.


some good pics. slightly OT, I talked BMW’s with Hecht today…very strong German accent.


Hecht lives aright a crossed the street from my buddy. He is pretty cool, and his wife is hot

how did you take a pic, when you caught the puck?..


how did you take a pic, when you caught the puck?..



neat pics anyway micah!

great pics as always. they gotta win tonite

nice pics Micah

nice pics man :tup:

damn nice pics

nice. get any goalie pics?


how did you take a pic, when you caught the puck?..


the pic was actually based on a true story. that’s actually a reenactment.

cool pics.

lol ya i just held up my arm of how i caught it

goalie pix, ya i think i do, ill post a few


what was your ISO set to?


yea 800 and 1600

Sweet story. I was at Cheesecake Factory waiting in line for two hours to eat and at 5:30 Max Afinogenov walked in all fast and shit.


Sweet story. I was at Cheesecake Factory waiting in line for two hours to eat and at 5:30 Max Afinogenov walked in all fast and shit.


he’s pretty cool. i sold him a baller ass washer and dryer.