holy goal



Damn, nice shot there. o_o

nice shot, that’s just luck…

Watch this video for a recap of the season so far :slight_smile:


That was pretty sick, rookie of the year fo sho.

definitely wasnt luck. he’s very very good

luck my ass, he was following the net the whole time…

i wouldn’t call that luck… he let himself fall over the stick, and kept the stick aimed straight on for the net. very nice shot!

Thats not luck thats just a good player knowing hes got to put the puck in the net no matter if hes on the ground or not lol

yea he’s just ridiculous… pavel bure with a mean streak :slight_smile:

how about pavel bure without the pussy streak


no way that was luck.

yea wasnt luck… if u watch… u can see him on the ground and move the stick in his hand to shoot it better while knowing where teh goal was

When I made that shot last year, everyone said it was luck, now this guy does it against a NHL goalie, and its on purpose.

There was some degree of luck for that goal. But the main reason it went in was because of his drive. He never gave up on putting the puck on net. You add to that a bad goalie that didn’t bother to stay between Ovechkin and the net and you get one impressive looking goal.

i gotta find this vid of the sickest goal i have ever seen in my life…ill post er up when i get it