2 more bags of milk

Well, not really mine so to say, but my fire hall’s. we just got 2 new pumpers, and I must say, they are BALLLLLLERRR!!!



both are identical Pierce Velocity pumpers, 515 hp Diesels, 1500 gallons/min pumping power, and 750 gallon tanks. We are still getting a ton of new “toys” for them, but they r pretty nice. I am getting trained on the pump operations, and the pump panel is all operated by touch screen. It’s nice, but considering we keep these things around for at least 15 years, I dont really see them lasting that long without having problems. I’ll try and get a pic of the pump panel with the touch screen net time I’m up there, its pretty neat.

I love eggertsville Hose co.


PIERCE :tdown: sorry

should have went with a KME

do you have to get EVT certified? i have to go get my certifications when the semester is over

lol milk tankers…

all of out trucks are Peirces. We started with 2 1992 Pierce lance series pumpers, had great luck with them, got a 3rd one in 96, and then got a heavy rescue and a SkyArm ladder from them. Been working for us, and honestly the 2 '92s we had didnt even really need to be replaced, we bought them because “we could” lol.

the only thing i dont really like is the american flag painted on the grill. I think it looks kinda tacky, and it doesnt match the other trucks.

whos we. is mikeri a fireman this week?

nope. I dont fix them just use them for their intended purpose. I have my EMT, CEVO Certification, I’m taking Pump Operations now only because they are offering it to us to learn the new trucks, and I am taking the Firefighter 1 Boot Camp over the summer.

I have been for a while.

our business just got into Emergency Vehicles, and our FireTruck line is KME… top notch product. It was a good time to get in because regional distributors/other product lines are struggling

thats coo. i just got my EVT book… ugh…



it’s a little more advanced than i was hoping for. im not going to be “working” on them… but ill have my hands on all the other operations i guess you could say. We have 2 techs, sales/service rep, service manager, foreman, and myself who have to get certified. All of our management, and our EV reps are at a fire apparatus show as we speak. only reason im not is because i have an exam in 4 hours

yeah we’ve always had Pierces so thats what they went with again. I forget what the local affiliate we r go through is though, Churchville or something like that it think, but anyway we have been sending them back and forth to there to get brackets put on for equipment and all kinds of minor details.

are you going to the fire expo in Harrisburg in a month?

the one in Indiana? I could have went to that…should have…

i personally prob wont be going, but I’m sure some people from the department will be going


these fuckers are nuts. can be optioned up to $1,000,000

ours costs $1.2 million each

they must have all the goods. i need to find out a more exact number for ours, i was just generalizing.

thats where all the tax money goes

You should send a thank you to every asshole who’s cried about getting a ticket in Amherst because they’re one of the big reasons Amherst can afford nice thing. :wink:

u 2 fags done humping each other now?

bill, come get ur pos laptop before i throw it out the window