20" bmx bike

My kids 20" daimondback bike got fuggin stolen. Sucks because it was a real diamondback not a toysrus pos.

I remember some people selling good bmx bikes on here a while back.

Let me know, thx, randy


Mirraco Five Star Park Edition…1993 GT ProFreestyle Tour…or 95 Haro Sport Frame and Fork Only



http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/haro/2915 - Frame and Fork ONLY

The Mirraco does have a flip-flop cassette rear hub…and Sunday Bars

ive got one… kink freebird, s&m pitchfork, dk stem, primo rear wheel, perigrine front (both 14mm) metal bikes seat, sunday bars, dk social 3piece…

get at me if you want it…

ive got a fit edwin, pitchforks, halflink chain, S&M mid bars, odyssey hazard lite cassette, animal stem, tree 7075 pegs, 7075 alum axlenuts, sealed JC pedals and more


dirtye30, Your PM box is full. Anyways a bit to much bike for him. Maybe I’ll get up with you for it for myself after I settle him out.

I just wanted to bump this because I ran into a couple kids riding the friggin thing this morning.

How dumb do you have to be to ride down the street you stole the bike from???

They messed it up a bit, but at least it’s back in my garage.

No charges filed for child abuse?

I remember when my bike was stolen…
early 90s GT Vertigo was stolen from the old grocery store in the might taco plaza…

The GF and I ran ove rto the mall and had to cut off some ass hats lock.
Yep, the one that stole it locked it up at the mall so I stole it back.

edit: I still have it… needs work though.


well it has potential… please give more details…

ps, my dad wouldnt know what my bike looked like if it was stolen… lol.

Really couldn’t have gone better.

I was coming back from bringing my 5 year old to school about 9:15 and the timing was perfect.

I saw these 3 black kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. It looked like my sons bike but debadged, so I turned the mini-van around and confronted them at the corner. I could tell it was our bike but they insisted it wasn’t. I reached for my phone and didn’t have it, so good thing we have a “bodega” at the corner, with people always around it. The owner and his son (30ish) were outside, so I yelled to them to call the police, he also came to my defense. Good thing because these kids could probably have taken me, they were bigger, youthful, and I’m not in the shape I used to be. Soon as they saw I wasn’t going away, and wasn’t letting them get away, they gave it up. The store owners kid canceled the 911 call and I put it in the van. It was risky because I also had my 3 year old strapped into the car, but she was strapped in, and I didn’t want to loose sight of them.

The chain is messed up and they broke the rear brakes completely, and de-badged the thing. What decals they couldn’t remove they scratched up. I had my eyes open for it even since it was taken, but never thought I’d see it again. What tards they are to be around here at all.

I’m glad they gave it up because I really had no proof the bike was mine. If the cops did come they might not have let me take it. The kids were shook though, good scare tactic imo. I didn’t want to get into a physical confrontation because I could easily have had charges pressed against me.

Couldn’t have gone better. Now he’ll lock it up where ever he goes. And I have to see about registering the serial number for his and the other bikes we have.



I wonder what happened the Sendlebacks from the old days…

They’re probably hugely successful and rich…???

From the bottom, to the top. :wink:

Glad you got it back…i had a bike stolen when I was in Middle School…sucked balls and found it like 3 years later all painted like crap

I should probably record all the s/n’s on my bikes…

I don’t think police would accept dent stories as proof of ownership…
ex. That dent right there in the forks came from a guardrail on Sheridan drive in 1994…

lol…yea i have all my serial #s documented…its not like they leave the garage anymore anyway lol