20 min until American Gladiators

omg this is soooo gay

If it wasnt for crush I would have turned it off

oh man, you can have crush, im all about this helga bitch!

lol…u are on your own with Skunk on that one…2 reasons I wouldnt sign up for that fanclub.

Mmmmm Crush


Hellga looks like skunk with long hair. But she’s muscular
(Someone photoshop him)



What i wouldnt do to that…RARRRRR

where do you see muscle on hellga? lol boobs are fat tissue =)

at least i know my competition is pretty weak! fuck this show, lets start NYSPEED GLADIATORS!
edit- im 5’6", 160lbs. im pretty sure helga could eat me.

Hellga is a Mack truck


I wonder what helga would look like with a tat sleeve?

she would kick your ass :lol:

kyle getting body slammed in bed LOL

Sign me up!


crush can beat the shit out of me if i could stick it in her once…

Helga ass…ooooooooooooooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Im blind!!!

helga could rape you all

omfg ;adlas’fklsa

omg shureshots on!

this azn dude is fucked


azn dude ride the pony