200 person fight at elmwood Regal

my dad just called me. He is a supervisor for the NFTA. He is over by the elmwood regal right now to tell any bus that goes by not to pick anyone up. The reason being there was a 200 person (yes 200 people) fight inside the theater. They cleared them out and it continued outside. NFTA cops, buffalo cops, cheektawaga cops, plus a shit ton of other cops are there to break it up. They cleared everyone out and closed the theater. They want my dad to make sure no buses pick anyone up so that all the idiots dont get on a bus together and cause trouble on the buses.

ahhh the christmas spirit lives on.



hmmm elmwood regal… must have been the lack of stadium seating. I’m sure reasonable people woulden’t start a fight otherwise.


That’s rediculous, that neighborhood didn’t always used to be like that. That whole section of town is going to hell in a handbasket.

I remember Pennywise telling me all his Christmas stuff got stolen on christmas eve from that parking lot.

Wow, just wow.

Transit Regal FTW. Different clientele.

and a merry christmas. :rolleyes:

must have seen rocky

Reason number 800 urban life is FTL.

Now now to be fair…this didnt happen at the Market Arcade in the downtown area…:stuck_out_tongue:

do u know what started it?

that used to be my old neighborhood. I lived on amherst right by elmwood. I used to go there alot, but then when the whole area started going to shit my parents said enough is enough and we moved.

Yeap, 100’S were fighting. EVERY cop in the city ans surrounding towns were there

a girl started it

always the bitches that will getchas

Is? Has to my knowledge.

RIGHT NOW (10:51pm), REGAL on Transit rd, Lancaster. , 300+ PEOPLE FIGHTING. Calling for All police help.

Will post updates. Dam I wish my scanner feed was working

stupid people

yea i hate the fucking neighborhood i work in it everyday

guess they are telling the cars to slow down going to the regal in lancaster