200 person fight at elmwood Regal

There is scientific evidence to back up that the Fbod certainly comes first.

In fact there are board members on here involved in a long term study that has provided us with vast knowledge of the Fboditute. It is only recently that it has surpassed the Ricer Flyby and the Mustang Mentality.

that’s fine. well you be a pussy your whole life, and in doing so, let the asshole person keep being an asshole to everyone else as well.

what am i insecure or jealous about? it’s more along the lines of: if you want to act like an asshole, then you should and will be treated like an asshole.

hahhahaah :tup:

And then when you get shot because your trying to act like a badazz haha…

^ that could be true. lol

How did this thread go from talking about ghetto trash starting a riot at the Regal @ Elmwood to an F-Bod bashing? The people causing the problems there are coming via bus, not Camaro.

Might want to keep your stereotyping at least bashing the right group :wink:

So are you saying that all people that ride a bus have an attitude and start fights?

no, he was saying that anyone who goes to the regal on elmwood has an attitude and will start fights…

most of the people at that cinema walk, duh, they don’t have $ to take a bus…

O ok…it all makes much more sense now :bloated:

i knew it was the blacks. even when it was the bears i knew it was the blacks.

LOL @ bikerfry

No, I made a racist statement saying it was the “bus people” to point out that you guys are being just as racists saying all f-body owners are as ignorant as badazzss.

But for the record, it’s not a race thing, it’s a ghetto thing. You can be ghetto and be white, black, tan or purple. That Regal just gets a lot more ghetto attitude people than say for instance the Transit Regal.

all im saying is tdown to anyone who doesnt stand up for themselves. u have to have SOME kind of backbone in life. i would never go start a fight for no reason.

i guess if you live in wmsvl or another comparable suburb, your amazing wealth of love from mommy and daddy has protected and shielded you from most of society.

Actually there are many ways of standing up for yourself…first and foremost is knowing that most of the time its not worth it. If someone wants to walk around with a chip on their shoulder…let them. If someone starts screaming at me and shit its all good…I just ask what the trouble is…if they want to pursue it thats cool too.

Walking around knowing you are better then trash that start fights > going to their level and fighting back.

No I just have better things to worry about than someone thinking I’m a pussy. :gotme: I’ve got nothing to prove. You’re probably right. Maybe my amazing wealth of love from Mommy and Daddy has given me the confidence to not feel that I have to stand up to people who call me or my girl names. You get to ice your black eye after a fight and feel like you’re not a pussy. I go on with my day and know that I’m not a pussy. Think your girl feels secure having to worry that you’re going to fight any guy that whistles at her?
Seriously. I’ve read it myself. Gave me a better perspective on things.

Fb0dys make you bullet proof

On that logic, do VW’s make you fragile?

It is going downhill fast too…

I drove by the regal that same night people where everywhere…in the street, in the parking lots, on police cars, running and screaming…I didn’t know what the problem was but I guess I know now lol.

to biker, turboz, and jays:

i understand what all of you are saying. but, when you do end up in a fight b/c walking away doesn’t solve the problem, i hope you can stand up for yourself then. if it never does happen, then good for you.

i wouldnt start anything w/ someone b/c they whistled at my girl, thats actually a compliment. i meant, them saying something derogatory or the likes… you know if they’re saying it to you, they’re saying it to everyone. so why let it go on?

I was there one time and I will never go back. Me and my now ex went there and after the movie we were just walking outside when this huge black dude comes storming out of a side door with 3 undercovers chasing him and this woman screaming “he punched me in the face”. He ran to a cab and started getting inside when the one cop pulls out his gun and the other two grab the guy and they all start brawlin, and they finally subdue him…the whole time a bunch of people are standing there watching. the cops got him cuffed and were loading him into the back of the car and they started lettin people walk by and I am singing really loud “bad boys bad boys, wachya gonna do…” It was awesome…the cops started bustin a gut.