2000 White Celica GTS w/ 6 speed


someone buy this car before i get into trouble with it…

oh god what now?

i havent really driven it (outside of the 4mi to work down transit and walden) in such a long time i want to take it out for the night…but with my luck i know i’ll get pulled over lol

yeah but you will probably get out of this one aswell

meh, 59 in a 40 is a lil diff than 140 in a 65

OK back to the sale thread. SOME ONE BUY THIS SO I CAN GET A BIKE

that would be me


BUMP. someone by this damn car!!

what bikes are you considering?

^^right now i’d do pretty much anything 600cc and larger…


dont sell my shift knob with the car dawg


Nice car… I hardly see any good ones in Rochester