2001 Audi S8

i didnt know it was a trend, oh well. i just like stache’s since there so ridiculous.

BUMP PRICE LOWERED TO 12k. Lksi is banned, send your pms to me until the 18th if interested

Banned :rofl

I’ll vouch for Lance, I bought a camera from him a while ago. He’s a good dude.

Kinda want this thing…pending the outcome of certain things…

Wow… this car is mint. Im seriously interested in buying it.

Then buy it streetsweeper1098!

quit your talkin you gotta catch up on you 3 million in student loans


sorry just hit you with a handful of reality

yes and no…we’ll see what happens. I’m leavin NY with this or coming back to it with a 7 series.

interested, looking for a car right now to get within the next week or two

Dont know if this thing will even make it down your driveway :lol

It should if not ill just take the a.s.s. Driveway

its atually doesn’t scape alot of places because of the 20 inch wheels i was very suprised, and ive never heard the tires rub at all