2001 BMW 530I 5SPD, 119k miles. mint condition


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thats a nice car, i got a buyer but they are looking for automatic… same car / year and color

what a shame =/

it will sell tho !

My buddy mike or fareed is looking for a nice bmw, il let him know.

trade for a 2001 tahoe? i’d love to rock this as a DD

pm’s replyed

drove this today and it is MINT… thanks for meeting up with me on such short notice, i’ll have the check for you by Thursday :smiley:

Lost all electrical power this morning while running when I shut the drivers door. Not happy to say the least…

Sent from my fecal collecting throne


Classic Battery cable Safety Terminal failure. No big deal.

yeah no biggie

i fixed it… BST was fine… whoever replaced the battery didnt tighten the nuts on the terminals completely…

HAHA ! idk man from every damn bmw ive seen or had, those fucking things always get loose