owner is kilmer on here… pulled it last night… going to crack the valve cover to see exactly what happened… nice hole in the back and front of the block… oil filter housing was thrashed… not a bad job at all!
Wow, thrashed it up pretty nice… I’m completely unfamiliar with volkswagons, is that a stock turbo that has had some work done to get it to 20psi, or aftermarket, etc? Any work done to the bottom end or anything before it blew?
my stock turdbo pushes 20 all day… not an issue… they are tiny turbos… although, he was pushing a t3t4 50trim? dont remember… but you figure he was a solid 300+whp and was pushing it.
bottom end was stock… there are motors running 400+ on stock bottoms, but then again, he drives the hell outta his…
still don’t know what happened… we’ll figure that out soon enough.
he was running the revo big turbo software for a tseries… what i was thinking is that he was putting load on the car uphill when it popped… so my guess was the fact that the revo software is written for 440’s but also maxxes them… so you figure going uphill high boost on a maxxed injector can’t be the best situation… still dunno though.
tools required for vw 1.8t head bolts below :kekegay:
so the pickup tube was clear… some metal shavings, but still free flowing… i dunno… plugs look mighty lean. what you guys think?
wahts weird is that it doesn’t look like any of the valves touched any of the pistons? maybe they did and didn’t imprint in them? i don’t know… going to play with teh head and crank tonight.
How about injector stutter? One of those infamous 1.8t VW “intermittent fault to ground” for killing the injector for a split second under boost…suddenly, that piston is super lean and POP…