Well for the second time in three weeks now my alternator took a crap on me. The first time I was in Rochester for a wedding and my radar detector and gauges began to act crazy, shut off and on and when I shut the car off it was dead. I thought it was the alternator and with a quick call to Mike at Innovative he reassured me that’s what it was. I ordered one from Advanced Auto, had them ship it in Saturday night and put it in Sunday. Car has been running great for the last three weeks until today. On the way to work I was in line at the drive thru at Tim Horton’s and the exact same thing happened. I pulled over into a parking spot, shut the car off and now it’s dead. Can someone please help me.
If the battery is shot, putting a new alternator in can kill the new alternator. I’ve seen it happen. I sent a PM about this, but there it is again just in case.
I’d have the alternator AND battery tested after recharging the battery and take it from there.