2006 Nissan sightings

and it was dirttty as a mofo to haha

New wheels. Where would a pic be located? Also did you source out a water pump. I can grab you one here if you needed for cheap!

Yeah the old ones are mine now. :w00t:

pics are coming soon i took some but they turned out like crap and it was dirty! also the waterpump stoped leaking, it must have just been sweating due to the cold weather!

I am currently in a land where they are allowed to drive new imports. I have seen everything from s15’s, new GT-R’s and everything you import guys dream about… The GT-R was absolutely awesome, best looking blue I have ever seen. Sorry no pictures, as I was sitting in a pub and didn’t bring my camera but will get some soon. Mike is coming over here, so he will probably be camera happy. We are going to go around and check out the used lots/wreckers/new lots and everything in between. So stay tune!

Oil change on 2000 Altima and a really rice Sentra…

Two White S13’s going down Baseline in Sherwood Park…it was as if they were racing from the light cough :E

Saw -the.k.w.c- in the gold S14 stuck behind a bus on 97th last night. Right after that I saw my old S14 on 137th heading east.

ive seen your old s14 a couple of times theres a guy and a girl that drive it!



is it insured now???

no :confused: … i have the money tho … i gotta swap my wheels !! BRING YO JACKS ALREADY KENT!

Saw Fallen (Chris) today in Fullblown’s parking lot. Chris ,however, was too cool to say hi to me.

wha? i’m too cool? …sorry i didnt think i saw you… OH crap you were that guy i blasted past… sorry…

No worries buddy. I was like “Don’t say hi or anything” but you didn’t hear me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw Fallen as well, I came ina s he was leaving

I do have damaged hearing… and am stupid so yeah… heh sorry guys…

Ahh it’s allright. Next time I’ll just yell randomly to get your attention. :E

Hey pigbenis, did you help us push that grey pulsar out?

no haha the alternator needs to be replaced for that right?

Maroon Fairlady Z and a second gen white Eclipse pulled over on 97st around 11:30 tonight.

Bet the boys got a little heavy footed with all the new found spring time traction. :smiley: The second cop who showed up was harrasing my buddy about an exhaust system, and he was being a real powertrip asshole. I feel bad for whoever was dealing with him when he showed up.