2007 SON240sx.ca Niagara Meet - info thread

Noooooooooooooooooo my head gasket just blew :frowning: I wanted to come out with my silvia !

60% chance of precipitation
shes going down boys

it drizzled a bit this aft… nothing major.

It’s sunday now Im still up, 3:17am …I can’t wait any longer.
lets go ALREADY. lol

still up as well… humm lets just start it now… 21 hours of SON.

Just got home right know…3:48am…tommorrow’s drive is going to be brutal.

damn it. i watned to come its ok tho my car will still be there :slight_smile:

8:04 am i couldnt sleep any more, not even sleepin fcuk, lol i cant wait for later on, rain or shine i;m in. this is like new years lol i feel the same excitement!!! lol!!!

LOLz same ive been up all nigt playin Intial D for ps2 i own em all = modchip, it was raining a bit last night but dot pussy out boys =)

You’re all nuts.

I’ll be showing up with the NYSpeed crew y0!

And hey, those that pussy out 'cause of the slight chance of rain don’t get on film. :slight_smile:

Good to see your comming out, some of the best SON footage has been shot by you. By the way I think if you check out this page the weather is actualy looking up =)

Hourly Weather St. Catharines

Basicly this is how the day looks 11-4pm Cloudy with chance of showers, 4PM onwards Mainly Cloudy but no rain after 4. So if thats the case by the time we start the cruise the roads should be dry.