2007 SON240sx.ca Niagara Meet - info thread

OH MY GOD! Bing you just made my day :slight_smile:
I haven’t missed a single Bing’s meet ever since I got my 240, and I’m certain I won’t miss this one :slight_smile:

yeah im going to be there for sure, i hope i get another Schassis by then.

the chick who got angry with hector and sasha is named ashley

went to high school with here.

and notice her blonde friend in the vid, yeah i was with her bout 2 years ago ;).

that is all

notice me in the vid?

cant say i looked for you.

bt ill keep an eye open now.

notice everyone’s lack of care?

bing, i’ll be there as usual! cant wait.


does anyone have that vid still kickn around. ricer tickets. i couldnt stop laughing post it… poooooost it

Ill be there forsure…Bing, your meets are awesome man very well organized!
Who’s planning on dynoing their cars?

If you need space for video, I can host it…

hey stupid question here, lets say on the cruise to Niagra someone’s car acts gay and something bad happens ( knock on wood ) , overheats, misc. engine probs…

does everyone pull over and wait till that persons car is fixed or whatever, and waits till everythins okay again?

i don’t think so, cause this would cause a bit traffic jam, and cops wouldn’t be please to see 40+ vehicles stopped to the side. best bet is before you even come to the convey, get the car check up, fill up on fluid so you won’t run into probs.

stopped for the winter

Is it going to look pure jdm tyte at bing’s meet?

Hey i have a 240 now i might come out!

If all goes well I’ll be there.

random lol… but the more the marry-er .

chad bring you sister…
bing will ur sister be helping again this year?

DJ_Dominance and I will be attending again this year. The last one was just too good.

whats with you and people’s sisters? lol jkz