2007 SON240sx.ca Niagara Meet - info thread

hey people sisters are still available women : P

in anycase if i get my s13 finished and shipped i’ll definatly be there, other wise i’ll be there in somthing else equally jdm tyte lol

i guess he jsut figures he’ll start hitting on other peoples sisters since his figured out that playing doctor isnt ok… J/K

salemon and hector …

You guys have sisters?

He couldn’t play doctor even if his name was Phil.

IF you pull over in a suitable location then yes, someone will likely help you.

Last year it was H, someone tampered with his coil wire which fell off during the cruise, along with other stuff, *eh-hem… *
the year before, Walter lost a caliper bolt on the QEW on his way, and only realized when the caliper impacted the rim as he reversed into his parking spot. I gave him some tools, Bing gave him a replacement bolt…

my thoughts…

  1. change route to arrive at cruise night from the niagara scenic route to highway

reason: a lot more guys ocming out this year, the chances of us being split up on highway are not nearly as high as running through old town niagara.

also, the increase in cars coming will ulitmately increase the time people will want to chat and check out everyone’s cars.

also, again with the increase in cars and with dan binging his portable dyno, people will be busy with this as they are doing pulls. more time will be needed at the cozy.

also, nobody can pull stupid shit around old town niagara that would ultimately ruin the run.

also, if someone were to have mechanical failure, knock on wood, pulling over on the side of the highway would be easier for when a tow is needed.
I recall leat year when we made that stop on the side of the road in niagara on the lake near some picnic grounds, that after one of our members shut down there car, they failed to get it staretd again and were left behind.

with the straight run from the cozy to macload road via the qew, nobody will have to shut dwn there cars time and time again while we wait to meet up at various locations after being split up.

cons: odds are we will be split up after exiting macloed and make our way to lundy’s. but this was bound to happen anyways.

one more thing. since there will be alot more guys this year i think we should position certain guys in the pack for the trip to lundy’s.

what i mean is putting guys from niagara at certain points in the pack who know where there going incase we get split up again, which is boud to happen.

ie. bing, jesse, chris, bobby, me, rena, and any other who know niagar region.

just my thoughts.

lets jsut road bloack everyoen 240sx across all lanes.

matty we can do a variety of things.

i imagine that i wont be able to lead the cruise because i cant leave if there is alot of people still at the restaurant.

there can be more than one cruise lead by different people.

in years past we had upwards of 3 seperate cruises with 3 seperate leaders, myself, chris and aaron… on various routes through the region… worked fine.

there is plenty of time.

the food will be on point, the people will all be here, dan will be here… all we need is good weather and the rest is gravy


May I suggest that for whatever price your buffet will cost, that you put the price as FIRM.

If not, you’re gonna get a lot of people coming up to you and saying “oh shit, i only got a 5, the bank only gives out 5s”

i didn’t notice but if you haven’t done so… then you should do so now.

Your welcome in advance.

Actually some will probablly say Oh shit, wish I had money for this food, otherwise I’d be all over it

this will be my first time attending maybe…but i guess there will be sections for the different cars…all the really modded cars togeather and all the stockish togeather?

My favorite was, “I know we agreed on $180 but I bought gas and smokes on my way here so I only have $150 is that cool?”

i dun agree with the stock cars stickin together and the modded ones together lol variety is good :slight_smile:

im so excited for this, last year couldnt make it but this year all engines go =D

~ Justin

there were no sections for certain cars last year

everyones just jumps in on the cuise when they had a chance to pull out of the parking lot.

its a blast!

nice… missed last years cant wait for this one… ill be coming for sure…

last year’s cruise down from sq1

hey cool, my car is right in the center weeeeeeee

chicken you attention whore lol… pictures look wicked hope i’ll be in some this year =D

those are the coolest pictures I have ever seen! Can’t wait for my first time! It’s like being a virgin all over again lol

A couple of randoms from last year.

