2007 SON240sx.ca Niagara Meet - info thread

Change of plans if i can get the 13B swapped into my Fc ill be there if not ill be riding with trevor lool the only black guy riding shot gun in a hatch yup that will be me.

might be able to come out with my buddy

Mo, make sure Trev doesn’t crash :wink:

If my brother comes, he will also be riding shotgun in a hatch and a black guy :p. This looks like an awesome time. The pics made me weak in the knees. So many 240’s waxed up and pretty looking. I am going to try my best to show up for that. Guess I will have to wash the old girl.

i cant wiat for this lol the meet up at the nofrilli think was funn lol.

If my lil 1.3L beast is ready I’ll be comin down for sure… :smiley:

^ picssss

I’ll have pics once everything is complete… then I’ll do a HUGE write up about the build up and then brag about it, cuz I’ll be the only one with it…period… lol :D. Since I’m not sure if I’ll be ready for Bing’s meet… Or the Dragon Run (one week earlier), kinda gives you a sense of just how much stuff there is.

Ill be going to this Bings meet =), last time i went my friends s13 (Sock-o the dude who put the sock over the spot, where the air filter should go because there wasnt anyhting there lolz) crapped out, and a bunch of people came back to help us out in the square one parking lot, but anyways this year ill be going in my own s13 =)

Guys are BIG INFINITI BOAT SEDANS welcome? loll… i need to make some more money before i can crack out the 240 :frowning:

Wake up little more then a month away now!

its a terrorist!!!

The second gunman?

I hope this guy isn’t going to be there!

lol wtf?

oh my god…


Wtf lolz o_O?

hey look its our old pal Jason Muscat ( jsnmsct@yahoo.ca )

whats new Jason? any new fake dyno plots to show us?

Remember the old one? 260lb-ft at 2400rpm from an SR20DET…

hahaha link to thread about 260ftlb @ 2400rpm sr20 ???