I thought this was interesting…
sheds a little light on the economic stimulus doober they are doing this year.
I thought this was interesting…
sheds a little light on the economic stimulus doober they are doing this year.
you fucked up the thread title. It should read “2008 Chinese Economy Stimulus Package”
i like that i’m gettin money but it will backfire. A lot of people will put it away… if they wanted it so that people would put it back into the economy they should issue debit cards with the amount on it that has to be used within a certain time period.
I’ve heard that debit card idea thrown around somewhere before, and it is a good idea. However, it is still a hill of beans compared to the cataclysmic economic clusterfuck that we’re about to go through. I was down in Ocean City this weekend looking for a place… if you drive through Ocean Pines, I swear to christ every 3rd or 4th house is for sale. You can almost smell the negative equity.
I’m very interested to see how this thing plays out. I tend to agree with the above 2 posts, that it won’t do much of anything, but it should instill some confidence in the masses who don’t pay close attention and notice nothing more than a boost to their bank account.
its not about confidence. it’s about our country being bankrupt. well beyond it, in fact.
Apparently someone didn’t learn the idea of plagiarism in high school. Please, if you are going to nearly totally copy someone’s idea, at least give them a note of recognition.
Thanks Glenn Beck.
And imagine the banks competing to be the ones backing that and issuing the cards. Someone would end up with a shitload of money.
thats where I heard it. that shit was bothering me all day.
Yeah, I was kind of a dick to Cutty in that post. Sorry. I’m all fucked up on Codeine with this damn bronchitis