2009 winter classic

shut up… How do two teams from 1926 (each of which are one of the original 6) compare to a an original and an expansion team?

What does that have to do with anything? I don’t give a shit about hockey from 80 years ago.

I don’t think anyone can argue the fact that this a far better game than the low scoring Buffalo winter classic. People want to see goals, not 1-1 through overtime struggles to move up and down the ice.

I think you Buffalo people need to take off the Buffalo tinted glasses and realize that other than the amazing atmosphere our winter classic was a pretty shitty hockey game. I wish we could have had the 2nd winter classic so we could have benefited from someone else working out the bugs.

has the point

without a doubt. atmosphere wise…buffalo was 100 times better… but this is a hell of a better game than the sabres/pens was.

more hitting…more goals…more everything. very exciting

I just jizzed in my pants.


My preference for the Buffalo game was simply for the teams playing and the rink/field setup.

Nice finish with the playoff style handshake.

41K is weak. We owned that.

game was not that great…

They also did it at Wrigley so that they could have 2 months of preparation instead of 2 weeks.

It was a sellout. I’m sure it would have been if they had 80k seats but they didn’t. I like the idea of doing it in a baseball stadium because at least SOME of the people end up close enough to the action to see what’s going on. Everyone I’ve talked to that went to the Buffalo game said they ended up watching the game on the giant scoreboard TV.

Game was not that great… then what did you think of the Buffalo winter classic game? If you say anything other than horrible please see my comment about Buffalo tinted glasses.

What? I definitely did not watch the game on the scoreboard. I could see if perfect and I was in the 300s

The game sold out in 3 min… I tried getting tickets for it

Go Red Wings! I laughed during the 3rd period where Conklin had to go for a ‘potty break’


Yeah the first period was very physical as a response to Tuesday’s game. I like that Cleary got laid out for hitting Kane the game prior. the hawks stopped hitting in the 2nd though and when a face paced, strong passing veteran team like detroit is given the room, they’re going to kill it.

I was watching it on NBC before switching to CBC, and when Huet was down in the (hybrid, VH, whatever you want to call it) and stopped a shot olczyk said he “did a great job staying on his post and not going down.” He was already down, it’s the VH damnit!

for non-goalies, this is the VH (though his blocker is too low hence double coverage, and his stick isn’t really centered 5 hole).

i thought i had heard that soldier stadium declined having the game because they had to get ready for playoffs. inb4jimmora