2010-2011 I turned my heating on thread.

Post in here the first time your turn your home/apt heating on this winter season (fireplace counts if it’s the primary source of heat). Also post what made you decide it was time.

Last one to post is the winner.

Remember this thread and see you later.

Furnace only? Does a fireplace count?

Cuz I had the first fire of the year last night; but no furnace yet.

I would say fireplace counts as some use that exclusively.

That said my house is fucking freezing

My heat never gets turned off. I have a programmable thermostat, and when my house gets cold it kicks on, I could careless if its August or January.

I’m turning it on tonight, I was freezing last night :frowning: Either that, or I’m letting the dogs sleep in the bed!

I like Justin’s tweet.

Starting to get cold in the north I’m protesting turning on the heat yet and turning on more servers

Ran mine a few times already this year. I just don’t get the mental game of, “I refuse to turn it on yet, I’ll sit here and be cold”. Mine was on all day yesterday and cycled maybe 2 times. Perfectly comfortable and probably spent $2. It doesn’t take much to just get that chill out of the air and hold a steady temp when it’s in the 50’s outside.

Eh, coldest I’ve seen it in my house is 64 so far first thing in the morning. That’s NBD. It’s more of a mental thing with not wanting to let go of summer yet. Heat on is conceding defeat.

House was at 63 this morning … no heat on all day and from the TV/cooking/lights/ computers all being on for the day it’s now up to 70. On another note I did put a small space heater in the baby’s room for him while he slept.

Cant wait to turn off the a/c… hasnt happened yet…

True. I’m TOTALLY penny-wise pound-foolish.

lol I wasn’t kidding

Im building some servers for a friends colo had 4 running at the same time they heat my office and upstairs nicely.

I hear ya…I removed 8 switches from a closet at work and dropped the temp down 10°. Two computers, a laptop and a TV heats my upstairs currently.

I turned mine on tonight, it was 64 degrees in the apt and the girlfriend was complaining about being cold.

Well the Bird needs the heat or she will die so the heat has been turned on. Same with the lizard. Eff the dogs they are fat.

i cleaned up the boiler and ran it for about 15 minutes tonight just to make sure it was all in order… not planning to actually fire up the heat until i see some 30’s at night. my house is solid stone walls and once they get warmed up it takes a while for it to cool off… which in the summer is horrible, but great in the fall

yesterday…the wife said baby will get cold…lol

we got the new wood stove installed and rocking with some cherry was about 77 in the house yesterday :tup: I love this thing

I turned mine on last week lol. My feet got cold and begged for me to turn it on.

I have a woodstove in my garage and it will be making it’s way back in soon.

my place is set at 72°… so yeah, it came on this past weekend.