2010 Camaro Totalled Already




“This Camaro was only 20 hours old when it was appearantly rear ended by an unlicensed driver with no insurance.” Still waiting for the full story.

Saw this on another forum and thought Id post it up. Id be devasted if I were this guy…

tragic. I like how the sticker on the back says “Graves” that is where it is going.

those pics have been posted everywhere already. look like it took impact pretty well

I would be happy if that were me, then I could go buy a nice looking car.

yeah that happend weeks ago.

terrible to see

a few airbags deployed there.

how hard did it get hit?

the cops involved in the investigation are saying it was around 25mph. i would hope that is incorrect.

here is the link to learn more

good, the new camaro is fuckin gay, and thats coming from a chevy guy

fuck. i would be in tears

Wow…I guess in a way it wouldn’t be too bad. I mean you wouldn’t be attached to the car yet. I would think the Ins would get you another bran new one…just trying to put a positive spin on it.

thats a sad sight to see… but on a another note GM engineers did a good job with the crumple points on it that’s 4 sure

if that was a 25mph crash, gm did a horrible job.

my crown vic was hit a few montha ago at about 20mph and all it did was crack the bumper and headlight. It was nothing even remotely close to the amount damage on the camero.

The guy in the camaro said he was going 25 mph but the car that hit him was flying.

that makes more sense.

This thread/thread starter/car involved all suck black penises.



So you’re saying it’s slow…