2010 Camaro Totalled Already

:rofl::rofl: yeah he had hit the limiter

Those muffs could be worth some nice scrap money, When the economy picks up.

If the black penis involved is yours, then yes. :scared:

whys everyone have to hate on the new camaro?

it’s ugly
it’s a very late and lame attempt by gm to cash in on the “retro” look
it’s performance is good for a camaro but other than that the car sucks

it’s a typical camaro. if you like the camaro AKA nice engine and faster than a mustang but with horrible build quality and shit interior, then the new camaro is fine. For people that want a more complete package buy a mustang. If you want a nice looking car(in this type of car) look at the challenger, but that is a dodge so it blows.

It is funny how people actually thing the build quality of the mustang is good…I would say it is equal if not worse than the Camaro.

no way. go to any gm dealer and ask the techs about the build quality of the camaro’s.

I am not saying the mustang is comparable to a bmw, audi, benz, ect… but compared to a camaro, it’s a lot better.

the only thing a camaro has over the mustang is speed, that’s it. If you are looking at a car just for speed or don’t care about anything else then the camaro is fine. that is the reason the last camaro was cancelled.

Oh Ok…thanks for the clearing that up for me…I’ll take your word on it…

seems like a nice car to me…if you want something nicer, buy a vette

the challenger blows, i dunno how everyone on here can bash the camaro as being a overweight pig but still praise the challenger. the challengers weighs almost 300lbs more! and other than pics have you seen one in person? i can tell you this, i have driven a new camaro and the interior is ALOT nicer than the challengers or the mustangs for that matter. (09 mustang, havent sat in a new '10 yet)

i laughed at this. you say the mustang is good quality then compare it to bmw benz and audi. hahahaha i laughed again

you havent driven a 09 mustang have you ?
i have and its pretty dam nice ! i was really suprised

mustangs are fucking junk! go ahead ask what gives me the right to say so

they’re not really that bad but they’re heavy, slow and the interior is the worst i’ve ever seen. the new converts are rattle traps

the new 09’s are way better than anything prefious. nice dash layout. sequential tail lights led light inside and led light door sills. Its a pretty well built car. But the v6 couldnt turn the tires even with traction controll turned off… that was pretty sad…

are you seriously that fucking stupid?

I hope not, then again, you did buy a dodge.

i wouldnt knock the stang for quality. they seem like nice cars. id def sport a gt 500 in a second if i didnt want to/ couldnt afford a z06. i dont feel like you have to like 1 or the other. they are all pretty nice but at the same time all have their flaws. weight is probably the main thing that bothers me on all the 3 cars mentioned but under the right circumstances, id own any of the 3.

Stangs are stangs. the haters still sell mustangs :rofl:
No talking = No stang sells.

no im not stupid. and what does buying a dodge have to do with the reliability of german cars.

um, he wrote he ISNT comparing them to the above listed german cars…

mac is dyslexic former school teacher