2010 Camaro Totalled Already

how dumb are you dudes? :rofl:

you knit pick american cars, ford vs. chevy. vs. dodge, and then make a dumbass statement about ā€œgermanā€ cars :rofl:

I have not been in a 09ā€¦other than at the car show. I was not impressed. I did drive my uncleā€™s 05 GT and I remember thinking the materials were really cheap feeling, especially the door skins. Not to mention I had my wife in the car with me and I put it to the floor at a stop sign and did a 0-70 run and I said to her that it was floored and she laughed and said reallyā€¦it didnā€™t seem that fast. I am not saying that f-bodies are built much better, but to say Mustangs are way nicer quality wise is just retarded. They sell b/c for some reason when girls were 10-13 they wanted to do Vanilla Ice and somehow this transitioned to the main market for Mustangs being chicks.

the way i read this isā€¦ the mustang is reliable but its not as reliable as the bmw, audi, benz etc. but compared to the camaro its way more reliable. does anyone else see where im coming from? i would have said honda or nissan or toyota. to go reliableā€¦ maybe buick cause i see they are always at the top of the list.

true story

and it was a comparison about build quality, not reliabilty.

and what is so unreliable about ā€˜germanā€™ cars? didnā€™t this camaro have a recall in the first month of sales? just like anything else, nothing is perfect.

who woulda thunk, a mass produced car had a problem, thats never happened before!

i never said anything about the camaroā€™s build quality did i?

no, you said it about german cars, which was dumb to begin with, but i asked what exactly you are talking about. then I made a point that this new super retro rebuild of the camaro came out of the gate with production issues, denoting itā€™s lack of reliability from teh showroom floor, stating that nothing is perfect and all cars will have flaws.

not that iā€™m taking sides here, but i do have a pretty good feel for what makes/models are reliable (working for AAA and all). for how much you pay, the german cars are no more reliable than anything, but cost more off the bat and are expensive to maintain/repair. compairing interior build quality of a Camaro vs a german made car is pretty stupid to begin with. you usually pay twice as much for the bmw, so obviously theyā€™re going to use more expensive materialsā€¦not even worthy of comparing. in my opinion, iā€™m not going to spend twice as much for the german car and then have it get spanked by a camaro. i donā€™t sit in my car to kick back and relax. iā€™m in it to drive it, iā€™ll sit in a recliner at home to relax.

2010 Camaro a goner. Camaro5 member loses his Camaro to crash - Page 11 - Camaro Forum - 2009 Camaro / 2010 Camaro / New Camaro SS Z28 Forums - Camaro5.com

  1. mustangs were and still are geared toward middle aged women.
  2. who the eff wants luxary in an american made MUSCLE car such as a camaro, i know i dont.
  3. muscle cars should be what they were years ago. big v8s not 4.6 litersā€¦ gas guzzling, striaght line going, while throwing you back in your bucket seat via a fourspeed or powerglide and posi rearend while turning 15 inch cragar ss wheels. not using electronically controlled shit and 20 inch alloys and leather interior and digital gauges.
  4. camaro is prolly closest to oldschool pony car. becuase of comparing the 302 car of the trans am series too todays standards of muscle cars.

where has nostalgia gone?

  1. I doubt it geared for any specific age/sex. I see more men than women in mustangs
  2. obviously, the majority want it or the crappy ass camaro would not have been discontinued
  3. your theory of muscle cars is fine for the 60ā€™s and early 70ā€™s but now the cars need to more than just engines. keep living in the past :slight_smile:
  4. the new camaro sucks just like every camaro.

whats the difference in your theory of todays muscle car versus a sports car? a 40000 dollar price difference? not much difference in muscle cars and sports cars and thats a shame these days. the worlds not too much different from it was in the 60 and seventies. we still have drugs and economic problems and the start up of anopther baby booming generation. plus liberals too. i figured with a name like 77redneck weā€™d be on the same page and see eye to eye.

I bought an old rusted to death 77 ford pickup for 400 to haul some shit around in. Thatā€™s where the name came from. I am a computer engineer, not a hillbilly, well maybe a little bit hillbilly but not much.

I love old cars and do like the muscle cars, but they had their place. I do not think the cars now need to be ā€œretroā€ in any way.

Then why in the fuck do you like the mustang?

cause I was raised a ford guy :dunno:

I have always liked the mustang. the camaro is faster but I just canā€™t like a GM product, it makes me feel all weird. :smiley:

Then why in the fuck do you like the mustang
haha :slight_smile:

Bics56 nice to know someones got some sense. hah

so you hate the camaro because you were raised to like fords. well i was raised to like fords and i actually got a brain for myself so i decided to like what i like on my ownā€¦ not liking what others want me to like.

No one ever read the link.

The teen tried blowing through yellowlight, Got past the point of no return and tried to stop.
Ford escape rear ended him. Sent into Utility pole.

you are the bestest person out there, and by far a better person than me.

I donā€™t give a fuck if you faggots like the camaro. I think it looks like shit. Itā€™s just like the last camaro that they quit making, fucking shitty in every way except for motor.

I have always liked mustangs. I donā€™t really care if you agree or disagree.