2010 PSCC Rallycross series - Red Hook



Great news, the 2010 series dates have now been set for the Poughkeepsie Sports Car Club’s Rallycross season. This year’s events will once again be held on one of the huge rock-free fields at Greig’s Farm like last year.

The 2010 PSCC Rallycross series dates are:

July 25

Oct 3rd

Nov 14th

Dec 5th



whats the policy for spectators at one of these? i think it would be pretty cool to come down and take some pics.

Edit: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I have a wedding to go to that day WTF this would have been fun as hell in the suby

this… i so want to go to one of these and spectate

can you participate in this?

you WILL lose parts from your car :rofl

nevermind then :Idiots

i’d compete in one if my sentra ran again with snow tires…see if it would move lol.

All you need is to sign the waiver and get a wrist band. Spectating is free. Pics are always appreciated!


I’ve never lost any parts from my car. Is your car lowered?


Will be at every event except July with the WRX.

I have to find out what class I’d be stuck in because of the EG33 in it…likely mod :frowning:

oh fuck yea.

if passengers are allowed and adam is cool with it i want a ride in the wrxsvx


light trucks allowed? Say Jeep Wrangler?

Hmm, I don’t know for sure. There’s a Tacoma that runs without issue. I’d say as long as it’s not raised up higher than stock [via suspension or tires or both] it’s probably OK. What they try to avoid are the top heavy 4WD trucks and SUV’s for fear of rollovers. Got a pick of the Jeep you can post here? I’ll forward it to the tech inspector.


Passengers are allowed, as long as they are wearing an approved helmet [and seat belts of course]. Loaner helmets are available on site.



http://www.psccny.com/uploads/images/8/pscclogo50.jpg Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!..

On October 24th the P.S.C.C. will be holding Rallycross event #2 at Greig’s Farm in Red Hook, NY.


Registration is now open at MotorsportReg.com.


Will be there for round 2

Damn Mike, you’ll put the SE-r through that kind of punishment but you won’t bring it out to play with DC & I in November?