2011 PSCC SCCA RallyCross @ Red Hook, NY (Dutchess County)


Great news, the 2011 series dates have now been set for the Poughkeepsie Sports Car Club’s Rallycross season. This year’s events will once again be held on one of the huge rock-free fields at Greig’s Farm like last year.
The dates are June 26th and July 24th.We are working on setting more dates
See www.psccny.com/rallycross

Online Registration is ready. Sign up today :slight_smile:


YouTube link

Mark Long

Very cool.

Wish I wasn’t working or the Subi would be there.

Ran my subaru at the first event last year before fixing fueling issues. Wish I never sold it or I’d run these again with you guys.

Are you using the same field/course as last year. That shit was fun!

Nice Mark… Maybe I’ll see you there!




Cool! Count this old Sentra in. :slight_smile:

From the organizers: PSCC officials checked the site of the 6/26 event and found the site has standing waterover much of the field. There is no way the site will be ready for the 6/26 event. We have no choice but to cancel the 6/26 event. We will monitor the conditions and hopefully we can start the 2011 PSCC Rallycross season on 7/24.