2011 International Meet - Hosted by 6crew

bump with list of people going as of right now. Still more saying they are going but yet to get names on the list

Attendance List:

  1. Egierda (6crew)
  2. Yamba6 (6crew)
  3. ObsoleteE (6crew)
  4. uptown6 (TM6)
  5. Polish Eagle (6crew)
  6. Da_Sock (TM6)
  7. farb (TM6)
  8. AbeerB (TM6)
  9. The Great NY (6crew)
  10. puretruth (6crew)
  11. ChrisL (TM6)
  12. blackonblack (6crew)
  13. cosworth2009 (TM6)
  14. Tofu (6crew)
  15. dasynergy (6crew)
  16. thabozz (TM6)
  17. dadz14 (TM6)
  18. pardomiguel22 (6crew)
  19. Miss M6 (6crew)
  20. Booter22 (TM6)
  21. Torrey (TM3)
  22. ZoomZoomDiva (6crew)
  23. Nado (AD)
  24. SnowboardinWNY (NYspeed)

We have now set the cruise we plan to take on Sunday late morning into early afternoon. Please Check it out and consider showing up. We are looking to make this an all Mazda meet, and would like to see some Unique Mazdas. I know we have some RX7 guys on here, which would be sweet to see a few of these in person again.

Link to Google Map cruise: http://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=0x89d342462ab7bd95:0xa08d9468d92d252c,Main+St,+Niagara+Falls,+ON&gl=ca&msa=0&msid=212270982348221188752.0004a4e7a02cb7d824d6b&ll=43.068747,-79.232336&spn=0.003394,0.007596&t=h&z=17

EDIT: There are a few weird glitches in the map where we do turnarounds, etc. IGNORE THOSE.

mapy no worky. Both on my mac and my tuning laptop. :frowning:

corrected! thank you

who plans out a cruise on 95% straight roads? lol

He did. not me. lol

No Problem!


ok, after checking out the times so I know when and where to show up, I’m a little confused. On the map link you posted it says, start at Botanical Gardens parking lot after photo shoot

But this says photo shoot is after cruise.


just looking for a clarification on times is all.

Ill fill you in as time goes. Its all subject to change as time goes. We are figuring out what would work the best for people and getting suggestions. Like I said, we can always communicate through phone if need be to fill you in that day or night before. Doesnt bother me at all.

Wanna sell the intake off my old MS3 while you are up there? lol

If I have room, I’ll throw it in the car. Maybe you should just show up with it and not be a bitch. lol

Let me know what your looking. Ill inform people before heading up there to see if its worth it for you

If anyone else is interested in showing up regardless of car, by all means jump in. I am going with my s2k and their will be a 370z. I’m sure some other cars will show but just throwing it past everyone if they are interested.

2 more days. Sorry to keep bumping, but several people have not seen it that I know I’ve talked to, so want to make sure the word is out and people dont miss out

Today is the day that most of us will be meeting up for the weekend. We expect a good turn out. We have a bunch showing up tomorrow and some on Sunday for the meet and cruise. Feel free to come out regardless of the car you have. We will have more than just mazda’s there.

Feel free to pm me if you want to head out and need help figuring out where we stand on what is going on for the day.

I will have my laptop on me.

What a great time it turned out to be. Miatas, 3’s, 6’s all in all about 20 cars over the weekend showed up. Here’s a little of what we got.















