2012 KB Box Derby

So I recently came across this through 103.3


Each sled will be judged in two categories:

  • Creativity - judges will award each sled a score based the uniqueness of the design and the name of the sled
  • Construction & Appearance - judges will award each sled a score based on how well the sled is constructed and it’s appearance

1st Place: TBA
2nd Place: TBA
3rd Place: TBA

Band Theme-Cruisers!
Something different this year, the best band themed derby racer will win some awesome prizes like artist CD’s, t-shirts and concert tickets! Remember… family place, family place!

Quick Rules

Your racer will be judged on looks and creativity
Your racer can only be made out of cardboard, tape, glue and paint.
You must be 18 to participate or have a parent present.
Your racer cannot contain any profanity.

I really am considering creating one of these, having some beer (I’m sure this will set off the beer-dar for many people on this forum) lol then get some awesome cruises down the hill in. (Hopefully)

Anyone entering and/or done this before?

Oh man. We had to build boats in high school for an engineering class out of cardboard and duct tape. That would be entertaining as hell.

If anyone is interested in creating one, PM me. Or maybe a nyspeed sled.

done it before. built one with two other friends about 4 or 5 years ago. had the second fastest sled, it was a beastie boys themed “rocket ship”. it didnt look like a rocket ship, and it had a mouth on the front of it. we got like 2nd place and some decent swag. we also went so fast on our second last run that we launched over the pile of snow they put at the end of the hill and flew mid air for a few feet, flipping it and eventually breaking it.

i’m sure things have changed since then.

If they have not changed… That sounds like a damn blast to me! haha Do you have to pay to enter. I didnt see that.

nyspeed group build?

I am really tempted to do this. I love stupid crap like this.

it was free to enter. also, i suggest lining the bottom of your sled with industrial/packing tape. makes it go way faster.

If anyone wants to go raid a liquor store next week for cardboard, I would be down for building one.