Shredd and Ragan sledfest

so provided it gets cold and snowy again after this warm up, does anyone on here plan to attend?

im undecided as to if i will trailer down or meet up with a few buddies at hebelers and ride down…but was thinking since sledfest is done in groups of people that we could get all the nyspeeders in a group.

its jan 15th for those that didn’t know.

Where’s Lowlyoilburner…

I will be in most likely. My sled has been giving me a bitch of a time this season with electrical issues and resultingly only running on 1 or 2 cylinders. I’m pretty sure I’ve got that taken care of now, I went out last night for a few hours and didn’t have any problems.

As long as I don’t run into any more problems I’m in.

not much info on the site…what exactly is this? a big cruise?

i’ll have to talk my buddy into this :slight_smile:

so it’s like the scummit park mall meets, but in the snow? pass

The best part about sledfest is you know exactly where all the morons will be riding, so you can enjoy a nice day on the trails by just avoiding that whole area.

i see, so not worth going eh?

Pretty much.

its a dice run. i’ve never been to it before, so i figure ill go. just thought id see if anyone on here was going

I’m out. I absolutly distroyed a mag cylinder and piston yesterday :frowning:

Bump. Get your sleds fired up, strap on a backpack, fill it up with liquor drinks and hammer down. Hold it to the bar the whole fucking way!!!

I’ve been on dice runs… never again. Drunken maniacs out before lunch…

Did you go? I work out of a shop right down the street, heard about dozens of sleds impounded, DUI’s, over a hundred speeding tickets… anything Ted and Tom get involved in draws douche-baggery and cops to take advantage of it.