The Official $1003 performance build off

Just gauging interest.

Who’s interested? And don’t say “oh, I’m interested, but I don’t have money.” Will be made up of Teams of 5 people (that should help with costs). Rules will be drafted in the future, if people actually want to do this…

Receipts will be needed for EVERYTHING.

Talk about, reply, whatever, here in this thread.

Some general guidelines so far established :

  1. Cost of car is included.

  2. “Good deals” are dependant by situation. Buying a good 14b off of someone for 20 bucks is a “good deal.” Getting a freshly bored (with knifeedged and balanced 9.1:1 JE Pistoned/Eagle Rodded components) B18C1 for $100 bucks on the other hand, is not valid.

  3. You can sell stuff off the car that you buy - for example : You buy a 1992 nissan sentra for $1200, you sell the stock struts and wheels off of it for $300 bucks. You are at $900.

  4. Cars that are obviously completely over budgeted will be automatically disqualified.

  5. Tires used must be DOT street legal.

  6. Car does not have to be registered / inspected, however we would require some sort of sound decibel limit.

  7. You can’t remove essential compents (AKA : doors, windows, hood, panels, gas tank), seats, sound deadening, speakers, radio, parts of dash ok.

Things that will be judged :

  1. Gross display of power (or lack thereof)

  2. AutoX - Raw times

  3. Drag

  4. Cosmetic appearance (will obviously not matter as much, but props are due when a rusted out civic is put against a cressida in decent shape.)

I’d be interested. Do you have to buy the car in those costs, or find a donor car? How do you obtain the car?

If this happens it will turn into the ultimate intarweb drama war. Should be a fun read. :tup:

Not in.

Depends on the rules, events etc.

Pending rules first. New parts, used parts, boosted, na, # of cylinders, cost of car included in price? It wouldnt be hard for someone to “sell” used parts that cost a few g’s from an other car and say they only cost $1000

Exactly, but I know 5 dudes who would be in

but for 1g its basically car selection

more details please :snky:

are “freebies” allowed?

and why is this not the $1337 build-off…cause that’d be sweeter!

and does include price of car :D!
(cause it should)
Winter beater build off FTW


somewhat interested . . .

hmmm. i would love to say in. i would really like to do this. but realistically i know there would be too much other shit for me to do with my day that it would make any progress with this suffer. cant wait to see it if the numbers are found though, should be good

I’m in if there is a prize, I guess I could sell the beater taurus and find a new project car. :slight_smile:

I’m assuming this includes the cost of the car and parts correct? At least I’d hope so, would keep the field even and very interesting.

Thread excites me so much it’s not even funny.

so 5 ppl basically get a 1,003 budget to build a car and then we all throw down and race? see who comes out on top for the cost??

sounds cool. im in.

but same as everyone else, does that include price of car??

I got an idea guys, lets all ask Howie, who isn’t on atm, if the $1,003 includes the price of the car! Maybe the more we ask it, the faster he will respond!


yea more info, can we get freebies? what kind of racing/tests would be involved


I’d assume a drag racing round, perhaps a round at Dunnville also?


I think this thread was more to pool ideas etc.