Network-Wide Build Thread: Carlisle P&S "Suck Car"

In the spirit of threads like this: LINK and of this: LINK, for 2011 Newman had the idea to build our own car to meet or exceed the level of suck that we enjoy oh so much every year.

Everyone knows Carlisle P&S is a shit show, so we’re going to embrace it :slight_smile:

Newman is going to design and build the car with help from others on the forum, and we’re going to fund the project. I’ll let him post up some of the ideas so you all can grasp how awesome this is going to be. We’ll be taking your ideas but any final decisions on implementing them belong to Newman.

But phase 1 is to find a car. We’re looking for a free or nearly free vehicle to transform into our “show car.” A two door vehicle is preferred. Post up your suggestions!

We’ll also be taking parts donations and we’re currently looking for used turbos… lol.

SON should do this to, and bringem’ both to the bings meet next year and compare the level of suck… winner gets a free order of riceee! lol

Ha, great idea.

I would be willing to help.

If you seriously want to build a “bad” car how about a rusty 1981 datsun 510…

I would ofer up the 240Z but I would selfishly want to remain in my name.

The only stipulation is that it must stay LeMons / Chump Car racable.

This DEFINITELY won’t stay race-ready Jeremy but thanks for the offer :tup:

One of the ideas is to extend the steering wheel to the back seats of the car and remove the front seats… and plexi glass the floor :slight_smile:

That is still race ready, may have to use lexan.


Should do a 3rd gen Fbod to piss off the maximum demographic

100% in.

Catfish front-end!!

It’s gota be something that the ricers wish they had - a Skyline would be best, but not likely cheap.

Newman/Josh, I’d love to help build this thing. Let me know if you need an extra set of hands.


I am willing to donate two hairdryers to make this a twin electric turbo motor.

The turbos need to be real, lol.

Mustang GT-R!


It’s been done. Originality is key; we want some the “tuners” at this show to see what’s been done, think “OMG that’s sweet!” and then do the same to their cars :slight_smile:

Nothing says suck more than an escort. I just wish it was a zx2 or zr2 or whatever the ghey performance version of the escort was.

Escorts are not cool enough to ricers. Cavaliers would be better.