I’m just waiting for the new Cuda’ (not to buy, just for admiration purposes). Based on some concept photos (which are probably fake), it looks like a Viper with a 70’s front end with two big 355’s in the back, I’ll try finding the photo.
The V-8 1LE will be a lot of coin. It comes standard with Recaros’ which are a $2k option (on the 5th gen), magnetic suspension which is a $1695 option, Brembo 6-piston brakes which is a $3175 option, and NPP exhaust which is a $895 option. That is $7795 right there, and there are a bunch of other added features. It wouldn’t surprise me to see the 1LE being a $10k option. Base 1SS is $37295, so figure a typical 1LE will be near the $50k mark. Yikes!
The Camaro won 0-60, 1/4 mile, and braking, the M4 won at the track by .2. Both cars were stick.
The Camaro won the overall shootout too. If they had picked an auto 8-speed it would have whooped the M4 in all of the acceleration marks by an even wider margin, and beat it at the track too, for roughly $35k less.
They don’t do roll racing in head to head. They do 0-60 and 1/4 mile.
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You didn’t look at the correction factor either. The BMW was tested in better weather.
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You pick the dumbest shit to argue on too. Look at the rolls that were measured from 50-70 and 30-50, lol. The Camaro has it covered by 2 seconds on some of those short bursts.
I don’t consider myself as having an NYSPEEDer driving style. Nobody here drag races I guess.
Who the hell goes zero to 150? Are you doing 1/2 mile races somewhere? What track could you hit 150 on around here?
You get your numbers from the flat out acceleration numbers and then you subtract, but unfortunately that’s not how roll racing is done. Roll racing is done at a constant speed and then a mash of the gas. Your Car+Driver links CLEARLY show their own roll racing numbers that they did, but you just choose to ignore that, and then call me out on math, lol. I’ll put them up for you in case you missed them:
5-60: 4.0
30-50: 2.3
50-70: 2.7
5-60: 4.6
30-50: 6.7
50-70: 5.0
You can recheck my math here but the Camaro wins 5-60 by .6, it wins the 30-50 by 4.4 seconds, and it wins the 50-70 by 2.3 seconds. Those are rolls, like how most people do them. The last one is a classic pass on the highway. I’m assuming the Camaro has a traction issue since it beats the BMW from 0-60 by .2 but smokes it on 5-60 by .6.
They are listed right on the same links you posted, but they don’t fit your argument so you find a way to make the BMW look better.