21 and up crew

“fucking po-9 caught me ridding dirty…or just buying beer for kids, danm they must have nothing better to do.”

It’s funny because I’ve did this before when I was younger and I had a fake ID, I couldn’t imagine if I got caught doing that, so many people would get fucked.

Clifnotes: don’t buy for underage people, but HOW many guys on here bought a girl a drink at a bar…and who knows how old she was.
(i never buy girls drinks, but i’m sure a lot of people on here do/have)

if you buy a drink for a girl at a bar… that has nothing to do with you…

I request they buy me a drink lol… most do, others give me a funny look and I play it off lol

Then it falls on the bartender/bar not you…

That would be the bar’s responsibility.

edit: damnit sherm, damnit dan.

I guess I’ll just focus on this:


Ha! I beat you two ya queer bag. <3 This weekend we’re hanging out at the expensive of scotts asshole… Or Zongs… I just dont want highlighter dick

he has an expensive asshole?

i would have went in and bought him some nice IBC… and split it with him.

If they were high school aged females, you totally would have made the purchase.



Should have bought yourself some beef jerky.

LOL. Dude this so makes me think of the time we were out buying beer with a fake ID. And As I’m at the counter a cop pulls up, and you, instead of warning me about the cop as you sat in your car…

…you pulled out your video camera instead and started filming. :slight_smile: You ass.


hey, what can I say. I wanted epicness to be relived for generations


edit - wait…didnt you actually pay for it, and then go set it back down in back and walk out?

yep yep. and as I walked out the cop was chuckling as he said “Got rejected huh?”

I just replied “yep”

That was worse then being rejected. At least it wouldn’t have cost anything if I got rejected.

It already does. And it involved a gatorade bottle for a funnel.


I’m so youtubing that

of course I would ^
