21 and up crew

I just turned 21 a week ago… fast forward to yesterday, i’m out on my bike with a friend, we stop at a gas station in lancaster area. As i’m pumping gas some kid runs up to me out of the blue and gives me $12 and a little bit of change.
He says he’s on a beer run and this is all he had left…wierd, the kid must have been 17 or 18 and didn’t seem drunk at all.
I remembered what it was like and said, “ya sure, what do you want”
He replys “what ever you can get me for the money”
Okay, I go to walk in and the kid is standing their, all of a sudden I think, with my luck, it’s probably a trap. I give the kid back his money and say sorry, but it’s too easy to get in trouble.
The kid runs off across the street and gets into a truck. I drive past it on my bike and I see the truck with the kid in it, and behind the building I see a cop car. hmm.

So just a reminder, it’s your ID, don’t use it to buy minors alcohol. I wasn’t even thinking and almost got in some deep shit.

omg this is way to easy…


I would never buy for random people… Only people I know

YES! i was hoping for this pic.

this is more of a reminder to the freshly 21 people on here, as I didn’t even think twice…I just though, hell i’ll use my new power to help these kids out…good thing I didn’t

:lol: Way to take the bait geoff! :rofl: I’m dying. :biglol:

But yeah, good call telling the kid to pound salt.

:lol: cops love you so much they’re starting to bait you

I can’t believe you even thought about it. Wow.

  • 1 I would never buy for someone I didn’t know. That’s a trap or a lawsuit + jail time waiting to happen.

I wonder if this has ever happened and someone took the money and ran…in some police sting attempt.


wow…kinda had something like this happen to me i was going to buy for kids but i did not and they got drunk and went to the hospital and tried to get me for it… like get in the cop car lets go down town for questioning (i think its spelled wrong)

fixed for you danny

I can’t deny the truth.

you lucked out.

I remember playing “hey mister” outside of tops when I was a kid. It usually worked… some stressed out old guy would grab my friends and I an 18 pack, but these days it’s way too easy to get in some deep shit. No way would I buy alcohol for a minor

forgot to mention it is also boys

:lol: if this happens to me I am doing it. some little kid is gonna give me 15 bucks to buy him beer and I am going to go into the store, come out and walk into my car.

That or come out with a Root Beer and give it to him and keep the change.

Good call on using your head. :tup:

God I can’t imagine the anarchy that would of resulted from the thread titled “Got arrested for buying an underaged kid beer”

:poke: :iobarf:

i like that :tup: