22" inchers pwn(3d)




a 10" piece of lip from your 22" rims breaking off…



Yes thats right. A balla rolled through the toll booths yesterday, had his steering wheel cocked a little, and hit the curb. Yes, this is the worst case of curb rash ever. A 10" piece of lip broke right off, and he continued driving. It was funny watching him get out of his car in the middle of the thruway to inspect the damage.

This just goes to show… $5000 22" rims does not = quality.



that sucks.




no after pic no care u suck beck


make a balla necklace out of that shit!

They an’t gonna bling no more! “G”:pimp:

sucks to be him

HA 22", im rolling on 33"!!!

wow that sucks for him, lol

I’m not gonna say you suck like this guy, but he has a point.

doesnt matter if they are 26’s… if they are cast and get nailed hard enough then they will crack… but that does seem to be a shitty quality wheel. He couldnt have nailed it that hard. That casting should never be that brittle.

that sux now the rest of the chrome is gonna peel and start to look like poop

Thats just an excuse to step up to 26"s. Those 22"s are played out.