22 year old falls for nigerian scam (150K dollars)


what an idiot… I assumed that the younger generation would be internet savy enough not to fall for shit like this

sucks to be him :banghead:


Background: His family is Mennonite.

hahahahaha awesome. what a moron.

Dumb ass.

Biggest. Fucking. Moron. Ever.



that’s reall stupid, but i feel bad for him. :frowning:

100,000 for “formula” lol. They must have creamed in their pants when he called them asking for another bottle.

no words can describe how hard I am laughing at this kid

You’d think the parents would have enough intelligence to investigate a little more. Instead of handing over all that money.

i love his cry baby bitch face

I laughed so hard when I saw that picture of him and read the story.


where the hell is darwin?

he has some idiotic family members that also believed the deal to be real.

should be a good motivational poster of him out soon. what a clown

WOW, he should now jump off a bridge.