Man falls for nigerian scam... TWICE

sounds about right

Jesus Christ.

I always have mixed emotions about this. Like, on one hand, the guy is a complete twit. But on the other hand, I really just feel bad for how gullible these people are.


totally agree ^ and I think this guy should shave his head vs. his current hair style.


I feel bad for that guy.

I love how they got him the second time!!! genius…

he had to realize something was wrong immediately after figuring out that he was talking to a woman.

i mean seriously, what woman would really want to talk to him.

a fool and his money…

he did have a good amount of cash for being a postman

↑Two loans and credit card debt he said.

I need to move to Nigeria and start scamming.

not even… we have a certain member here who liked to scam people and even after a bunch of stories others still did business and got burnt. nyspeed is ripe pickings

yeah, there was this member called blue something, tried to sell me a white Evo. Turns out the guy doesn’t even own an EVO. boy I learned my lesson.

I was having a hard time selling my evo for $20k to one person so I sold it to 3 people for $10k. what’s so wrong with that? they can take turns.



I feel bad for that poor bastard.

how could he not tell that was a fake account? usually when all the pics are professional quality…that says “something isnt right here.”